Support: Ceramic
Technique: Luster ceramic
Brand: Mirabili
Edition: Unique piece
Height: 34
Base: diam. 32
Staccioli then set up his own studiocum-workshop in Scandicci on the outskirts of Florence, where he continued under his own steam to experiment on a daily basis with the use of fire and of copper oxides, producing a vast range of vases which he then decorated with imaginary figurative narratives fixed for eternity by an enamel sheen. These works earned him his first true recognition and success at personal and collective exhibitions as well as at important cultural events: his ceramics with their strong metallic effect and sparkling enamel finish soon won praise for their elegance and originality not only in Florentine art circles but throughout the country. The characters that populated the surfaces of his ceramics in this phase (merry-go-rounds with toy horses suspended in midair accompanied by winged putti, trumpet players, dolls and Pulcinellas) soon acquired a third dimension, translating into sculptures yet without losing their fairy-tale aura, their extraneity to all notion of time or place: idealized shapes reminiscent of pre-Roman statuary (of Etruscan sculpture in particular), to which the polychromy of ceramic added a vigorous effect of contrasting masses. Warriors, travellers, cardinals and horses soon joined the already varied throng of imaginary figures and began, in the second half of the 1990s, to add their lively touch to major public and private collections both in Italy and abroad.
We only ship with insured express courier. VAT and transport are not included in the price list. The insurance is included in the shipping costs and covers the entire value of the work. You are 100% guaranteed from theft or damage that may occurre during shipping. Before accepting the package, make sure it is intact and not wet. We recommend accepting with reserve.
Shipping costs are charged to the customer and are indicated separately on the order form and on the invoice, unless otherwise indicated. Orders shipped outside the European Union may be subject to import duties. Mirabili pays duties in advance for all orders shipped to the United States and Canada, so these customers are not subject to additional fees. Orders shipped outside the EU, the United States or Canada may be subject to import taxes. The purchased products will be delivered on working days by a selected courier (therefore excluding Saturdays, Sundays and local or national holidays) by the deadline indicated during check out.
When the courier delivers the artwork to you, you must first make sure that the package is not broken or wet. However, we recommend accepting with reserve. If, once the package has been opened, the work should be damaged, you must contact us within 24 hours from the delivery date, sending us photos that clearly show the damage.
If the artwork is not as expected and intends to return it, it can do so within 10 days from the delivery date. By sending an email to galleria@mirabili.it or by calling us on 0573 790066. The Return Authorization Form will be sent to you by email, without which your return will not be accepted and will be sent back. Then, he will have to carefully pack the work and send it to the address:
MIRABILI Art of living
Via Corticella 5/7/9
51039, Quarrata (PT), Italy
Shipping costs and risks are charged to the customer. After the return has arrived at our warehouse, it will be refunded within 10 days of receiving the artwork.
Born in Florence in 1943, Paolo Staccioli began his experience as an artist in the seventies, making his debut as a painter and soon making himself known locally. At the beginning of the nineties the need to experiment with new expressive languages pushes him to Faenza, in the workshop of a local ceramist, Umberto Santandrea, where he learns the techniques of this art. It is here that Staccioli realizes his first vases, first with the glazed ceramic technique, then experimenting with "reduction" cooking, which allows him to obtain extraordinary effects of iridescence and shine.
Having obtained absolute mastery of the craft, Staccioli sets up a laboratory in his Scandicci studio, near Florence, where he continues to independently and daily measure himself against the use of fire and copper oxides, giving life to a myriad of vases that he covers with fantastic pictorial tales, definitively fixed by the glazing luster.
Among the most recent experiences are the participation in the exhibition Memories of the Ancient in the art of the twentieth century held in 2009 at the Museo degli Argenti in Palazzo Pitti in Florence and personal exhibitions in Washington at the Italian Embassy (April 2009), in Paris at the Selective Art Gallery (September 2009), in New York at the Spazio 522 and at the Kens' Art Gallery in Florence (both in the spring of 2010). In September 2010 one of his staff was held in Pomarance, where soon a bronze warrior will be placed in front of the town hall.
General conditions of Sale
These general conditions relate to the purchase of products or services, carried out remotely via the telematic network, from www.mirabili.it with headquarters in Via Corticella 5/7/9, 51039, Quarrata (PT), Italy. Each purchase transaction will be governed by the provisions of Legislative Decree 206 of 6 September 2005 (Consumer Code) and, in particular, of those referred to in Section II, Part II, Title III (distance contracts ) as well as, as regards the protection of personal data, by the provisions of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n.196.
VAT and transport are not included in the price list.
The contract is finalized upon receipt by the Supplier of the purchase order of the selected products and / or services sent by the Customer on the website www.mirabili.it . Sending the online purchase order implies full knowledge by the Customer of these General and Payment Conditions and their acceptance. The Customer declares to have read all the information provided to him during the purchase procedure. If the customer is a consumer (i.e. a natural person acting for purposes unrelated to the business, commercial, artisanal or professional activity), once the purchase procedure is concluded, he will print or save an electronic copy or otherwise keep these conditions of sale also in compliance with the provisions of art. 52 and 53 of Legislative Decree 206/2005 on distance contracts. Any right of the Customer to compensation for damages or indemnity, as well as any contractual or non-contractual liability for damages, direct or indirect to people and / or things, deriving from the non-acceptance, even partial, of an order is expressly excluded.
The purchase of products and services for sale on the www.mirabili.it site are made at the price indicated therein, to be confirmed at the time of order confirmation, in addition to the transport costs. Before confirming the purchase, the total cost of each selected product, the total cost and transport costs will still be summarized.
The payment of the price of the purchased products and the costs of the related transport must be made according to the methods chosen in the order phase: CREDIT CARD - PAYPAL - ADVANCE TRANSFER.
The delivery of the products will be made in the following ways chosen by the customer: - Free collection by the customer at Via Corticella 5/7/9, 51039, Quarrata (PT), Italy - Express Courier Delivery will be made to the address indicated by the Customer for shipping. The customer is required to verify that the package is intact, not damaged or wet. Only after this verification will the Customer accept the delivery. Once the delivery has been accepted, if the content inside the package is damaged, the Customer will have 24 hours from the delivery date to contact MIRABILI Arte d'Abitare and ask for a refund of the insurance, by sending photographs in which the damage it is clearly framed.
The working days indicated in the product data sheets are indicative, and in any case not considered mandatory. However, Mirabili will take care of fulfilling orders as soon as possible, compatibly with the production times of the products purchased. The Company will not be responsible for any delays by couriers, attributable to external causes or force majeure. In this regard, the Customer declares to have been informed that the timing for the fulfillment of an order varies according to the type of processing and the quantity requested.
The Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the Seller, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within ten (10) working days, starting from the day of receipt of the products purchased on www.mirabili.it . To exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must send an email to galleria@mirabili.it and wait for the return form which will be sent to the customer via email. Only when the customer has received the form, he can send the return. In no case will returns be accepted without the explicit request from the Customer and without the sending of the return form by the Company. The Customer assumes the costs and risks of returning the goods. Once the return has arrived at our warehouse, in via Corticella 5/7/9, 51039 Quarrata, Italy the Company will issue a refund within 10 working days
For all disputes concerning the interpretation or execution of the contract, the competent court will be the Court of Pistoia exclusively.